ࡱ> BDA Zbjbj.. 4.DgDgZ L&&&&$3 x**&&?}}} &&}}}D&.  U0,a!4a!Da!D}**I4a!X Z: October 16, 2024 Dear Eighth Grade Families and Students, The PGMS eighth grade class is planning our end-of-the-year field trip to Busch Gardens in Tampa, Florida. We are excited about this hands-on educational experience and hope all eighth graders can attend. The trip is scheduled for Wednesday, April 23, 2025. Your arrival at school that morning is 7:45 A.M. We will return by 8:00 P.M. that evening. The cost for the trip is $100 per student and $100 for each chaperone. This price includes the ticket to the park and charter bus transportation. Students are expected to behave in accordance with the Charlotte County Code of Student Conduct. This is a school sponsored trip. Therefore, students are required to always display appropriate behavior. Discipline will play a factor in your childs ability to participate in the school trip. Students who accumulate five minor referrals during the school year will not be permitted to attend. If a student earns OSS (out of school suspension) during the school year, they may not attend the trip. (OSS criteria may be reverted based on principal discretion) Referral information can be accessed through your Focus portal. Price list for Busch Gardens trip: Student ticket and charter bus transportation- $100 Chaperone ticket and charter bus transportation- $100 Student with an annual pass/Fun pass to Busch Gardens - $40 Chaperone with an annual pass/Fun pass to Busch Gardens- $40 ** All chaperones must ride the bus with the group of students (4-6) they are supervising. We wanted to get this information out to families, so they have time to plan for the cost of the trip. Collection dates: You may pay on any of the following dates: February 3rd- February 14th, 2025. Collections will take place on the third floor, room 315, from 8:50-9:10 A.M. Cash or check accepted. Students will receive a receipt as proof of payment. Please make checks payable to Punta Gorda Middle School. PLEASE DO NOT DROP OFF PAYMENTS IN THE FRONT OFFICE DURING THE SCHOOL DAY. They cannot be accepted. Thank you for understanding. ALL chaperones must complete the Level 2 Volunteer process prior to the trip. This does require fingerprinting at the chaperones expense. The level 2 clearance is valid for 5 years, which will allow you to volunteer through most of your childs high school events as well. If you are a ϲͼ employee, you are already eligible to chaperone. The step-by-step process can be found on our school webpage or ask Mrs. Combs. **If you are interested in sponsoring a child who cannot afford this trip, any amount is greatly appreciated! You can donate in February during the collection window. Any amount helps. Thank you in advance for your generosity! We are looking forward to a great day together at Busch Gardens! *Groups will be chosen in March of 2025. Thank you for your support to ensure this field trip is a success. If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact Diane Combs at  HYPERLINK "mailto:diane.combs@yourcharlotteschools.net" diane.combs@yourcharlotteschools.net Stay informed about field trip information! Join the Remind group for the 8th grade field trip to receive up to date notifications and have questions answered quickly. Text @ bgtrip2025 to 81010. Please keep this page for future reference. #$,;<wz    & + 1 8 9 > ? 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